The online interview on foreign applicants for Master and Doctor degrees in 2021 of SME was successfully held on March 15. This interview isorganizedby International Cooperation Office of SME. 11 applicants joined in the online interview, 5 of them apply for Master degree and other 6 applicants apply for Doctoral Degree.
Our School has been paying close attention to this online interview. To ensure the work carried outsuccessfully, the International Cooperation Office of SME timely made the online interview program and fully prepared for it. Interview Experts Group and Interview Secretary were established firstly. Interview Experts Group is composed of four professors in different research directions including Prof. Li Fuguo, Prof.Chen Fuyi, Prof. Zhao Tingkai, and Associate Prof. Ma Yue. Interview Secretary is Sun Suting, the Secretary of International Cooperation Office. A week before the interview, the Secretary had confirmed all applicants and prepared documents for the interview including CVs and grading criteria to ensure all interview experts would know the education backgrounds and research directions of all applicants. Meanwhile, the Secretary contacted with allapplicants to test their network qualities. To guarantee the openness and equality of the interview, the whole process was recorded. All staff and applicants completed their work responsibly.

The online interview on foreign applicants for Master and Doctor Degrees in 2021 was carried out in a serious, academical, and friendly environment. Thanks to the great cooperation between all staff and applicants, the interview was completed successfully.