报告题目:Publishing With Wiley
报告时间:2021/4/9 15:30
报告地点:公字楼 328 会议室
Advanced Functional Materials
Advanced Energy Materials
Advanced Optical Materials
Advanced Engineering Materials
Small Methods
Advanced NanoBiomed Research
报告摘要:This presentation provides a brief overview of current trends and challenges in scientific publishing, how publishers and authors interact and influence each other, and how the publishing area is being transformed. Tips will be presented on how to select an appropriate journal for your paper, what aspects of preparation and presentation to focus on from a peer-review editor’s perspective, the general editorial workflows of Wiley materials science journals, publishing ethics, and hints for maximizing the impact of your paper after publication in Wiley.
报告人简介:沈睦贤编辑,博士毕业于华东理工大学材料学专业,2015年加入 Nature Communications, Nature Materials 以及 Nature Energy杂志亚洲部担任助理编辑,2016年担任 Nature Communications杂志高级助理编辑。2018年加入Wiley出版社,担任Advanced Energy Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Materials Technology, Advanced Engineering Materials, Small Methods等杂志助理编辑,2019年担任Advanced Energy Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Optical Materials, Advanced Engineering Materials, Small Methods等杂志副编辑。2020年,加入Advanced Functional Materials杂志上海分部领导团队。