公司定于2019年3月8日举办研究生灵犀学术殿堂——Tonia Eckfeld报告会,现将有关事项通知如下:
报告人:Tonia Eckfeld教授
主持人:朱展云 助理教授
主题:Dialogues on Wu Zetian through Cultural Heritage
内容简介:Empress Wu Zetian understood the power of monuments, artworks and artefacts to provide visual confirmation of her authority. She and her successors commissioned architectural structures, objects and artworks as physical, symbolic and aesthetic statements about political legitimacy. Buried sites and cultural relics discovered by archaeologists in the late 20th and early 21st centuries are tangible evidence through which modern audiences can better understand Wu Zetian and her empire – ruthless ruler and the ruled; female convention breaker and tradition upholders; dynastic interregnum and reinstatement; blood-letting, conflict, peace and prosperity. Scholars work in depth on archaeology, materials science and interpretation of data. How can we make this meaningful and relevant to society today? Tonia Eckfeld proposes that where the present meets the past, there is dialogue. Today, cultural heritage may be understood from multiple viewpoints. A film screening will explore multiple interpretations of Empress Wu Zetian’s role and legacy through the evidence of cultural heritage.
Tonia Eckfeld,永利集团特聘研究员,墨尔本大学教授,曾任哈佛大学、芝加哥大学博士后。Eckfeld教授是艺术史与文化遗产保护领域的国际知名专家,在古代壁画艺术史与保护等方面成果颇丰,具有丰富的科学研究与教学经验。同时,她担任多家国际知名电视台高级学术顾问,负责文化遗产相关纪录片的学术内容策划与审核,包括National Geographic International, UK Channel 4, Smithsonian Networks USA, France Channel 5, History Channel Asia等。